Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Good Guy is a Good Buy

       The Good Guy by Dean Koontz.

Ever read it? If you haven't, you really should. If you have, then you have my applause. *Clap. Clap.* And if you aren't interested in this type of book, then go away. We didn't want to be classified in the same genre pool as you anyway. Snob.

     This book has everything an avid book reader will enjoy. Suspense, murder, a damsel in distress, a sufficiently creepy bad guy (and when I say creepy, I mean in it in the vilest, most disturbing, will keep you up at night type of creepy.), and, as previously stated, a good guy.

          The premise of the story is interesting from the get go. The main character, Timothy Carrier, frequents a bar owned by an old buddy of his. Quiet and unassuming, Tim enjoys baiting eccentric customers into odd conversations. This time, however, it gets weird. Well, weirder than normal. Tim is given a photo of a pretty woman and ten thousand dollars cash and tells him he'll get the rest when she's gone. Before he can register what has occurred, the man is gone. Within minutes he is replaced by the actual killer. Tim pays him the cash, calls off the hit and sends him on his way.

                Tim then tries to find the woman, who has no clue as to why she is wanted dead. They have no time to ponder upon this thought as the killer somehow figures out what went wrong. And thus the chase is on. Tim and the woman, Linda Paquette, flee. From friends' homes to a motel to a park, this unlikely pair flee death incarnate.

     This story will grip your attention (especially if you don't have A.D.D.) very quickly and, like Hooch, will not let go. At least until you finish the book. Twists that will keep you scared of strangers and an obsession that will make you hesitant to stand before your mirrors in the buff.

            Not many authors can compel this easily, but Dean seems to do it without trying. He keeps his main characters shrouded in mystery for as long as possible. (In this case until very near the end.) For those looking for their next thriller to keep them up at night, this is it.

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