31 years and counting...
This month marks the 31st anniversary of my awesome parents. So I figured I'd write a tribute to them. Without them, I would literally not be here. Thanks to them, I am who I am today. I am being molded into the man I am supposed to be from the potential that I have. They've guided me and my brothers for nearly 26 years.
They are the ones who helped me realize my love of reading and writing. Both of them are avid readers. This lead me to explore books for myself which opened my eyes and my imagination to some marvelous worlds. Fantasy worlds like Narnia, Roshar, and Corscant as well as fictional Earths with guides such as Gaiman, Koontz, and Clancy.
My writing abilities are largely my own. Gathered from my reading materials as well as my imagination. However, my desire to write is fueled by the desire to be like some of my relatives. My grandmother on my mother's side was a published writer as are my aunt and her daughter (also on my mother's side). But of these, the most influential one is my dad. he is, thus far, unpublished, however of the various writings that I have perused, my father's are by far some of my favorite. That is not said out of any sense of devotion (although there is some there) , but out of a genuine sense of a reader wanting to see where this story will take him next.
Now you may be wondering what I got from my mom. Besides the ability to make new friends Very easily, is the ability to tell stories. You see, my mom is a professional story teller. And a great one at that. Ever since I was a child, my mom would tell us stories or read to us. On road trips or to put us to sleep. Sometimes Family Home Evening would consist of a story with some moral that would tie in to the lesson.
My mom has the ability to catch one's attention with her voice. Using just the right amount of whisper to get you to lean close. A dash of wonder to keep you excited. Maybe a pinch of a raised voice to get you to jump. All of which mixed into a wonderful tale that would keep you wanting to know more. The imagery allowing you to see the stories vividly taking place as you lost track of the fact that you were speeding along towards some destination and that it would be hours before you arrived.
My loving parents also gave me something that I truly value above everything else they have given me. And that, is unconditional love. No matter the mistakes I've made, the times I've punched my brothers, been sarcastic and rude to someone, or even talked back to them, I have never felt like they have judged me.
So 31 years of love, care, guidance as well as discipline, hard times and easy times. And of those only once have they ever argued. That's impressive. For these points, and many more which cannot be listed due to length, I feel like I have received the Holiest of Grails. The pearl of great price. The most wonderful parents any child could deserve. Ones who truly know what it means to love. To cherish. To honor. They are the shining example of what I could be and have. My guiding star. My Polaris.
Thanks Mom and Dad for all this and many more. To you two, I wish Happy Anniversary. And my many more follow. I love you both.